The Throne Room
The Throne Room exists to reveal Jesus to the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. We desire for His truth to fill our hearts and shape our lives as we love and behold the Lord.

The Throne Room is a gathering devoted to the presence of Jesus, where we are establishing a dwelling place for His glory. We are raising up a community of passionate Jesus lovers, who yield to Him with every step they take. We exist to walk out dependency as fully as possible. Ultimately, we are praying for a great move of the spirit among us, that drawls people into a real and intimate walk with our precious savior.
We gather to glorify Jesus and host His
presence. We are building a community centered
on worship, prayer, and the Word -- where lives are
transformed by the love of God and where people develop a healthy and holy fear of the Lord. We train people in righteousness, by the word of God, and grow families centered around the tangible presence of God in our midst.